sdns://2021 – Hyperlocal root and LocalRoot

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I had the opportunity to present on Hyperlocal root and the LocalRoot project at sdns://2021 last week

I’ve written and presented about Hyperlocal root aka RFC 8806 in the past. In the context of privacy, Hyperlocal root does provide a possible solution to the problem,

Prevent snooping by third parties of requests sent to DNS root servers


Aside from that, faster negative responses to non-existent domains eliminates junk to the root

Speaking of junk to the root, I did mention in my presentation that Chromium 87 has stopped sending junk queries to the root based on the Chromium bug report and Verisign’s blog post Chromium’s reduction of root DNS traffic

I did a quick check with Google Chrome 92.0.4515.131 and oddly enough I am still seeing this behaviour,

Aug 16 09:03:24 unbound[1:0] info: ckgydztukkdsta. A IN
Aug 16 09:03:24 unbound[1:0] info: lubdcupibujjne. A IN
Aug 16 09:03:24 unbound[1:0] info: ltvlataieb. A IN

This will need further researching and debugging which I will save for another post.

A big thank you to Frank for organising sdns://2021 and also to folks from Quad9 for their help.

For some reason as can be seen in the video, presentation is stuck at a specific slide, the PDF can be found here

All the presentations are available on Youtube.

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