RPZ Feed list: OSINT Threat Intelligence for DNS Security

This page lists OSINT DNS RPZ Feeds for recursive resolvers to enhance security by blocking malware, phishing, and C2 domains. Submit your RPZ feed if it’s not listed.

Response Policy Zones(RPZ) or DNS Firewall or Protective DNS (thanks CISA) is a solid way to use the DNS protocol as a defense. For a primer on DNS RPZ, please see the blog post

URLhaus Abuse.ch – Primarily malware domain names

CERT.pl – Phishing domain names targeting Polish citizens

YOYO – Advertisement domain names

StevenBlack hosts – Advertisement domain names & others(malware, gambling, porn)

Why I’m rejoining social media

Hello again! Starting today, I am back on these platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) after quitting them a long time ago. Here, I am outlining why I am rejoining social media.

The primary reason to quit these platforms was for a number of reasons, and I will not get into this bit here. If you are interested, I urge you to read the book “The Age of Surveillance Capitalism.”

Book image - The age of Surveillance capitalism

In the past couple of years, aside from building a cyber security company, I have tried my best to educate folks in my network by conducting seminars and workshops about some of the cyber scams and cyber security best practices. Rejoining social media will help me reach a wider audience.

One of the consistent feedback I have received from many is that awareness of on these cyber scams and cyber threats does not spread enough.

Considering that fellow Indian citizens lost ₹11,333 crore to cyber scams in the past year(2024) alone, rejoining social media platforms makes sense, as per data from the Home Ministry’s Indian Cyber Crime Coordination Centre (I4C) division, it’s no brainer that awareness and education are need of the hour.

The figure could be more than ₹11,333 crores, considering folks who haven’t reported the cybercrime.

Considering that, to many, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram etc is the Internet it would be foolish to not use these platforms.

I am flipping the switch today by rejoining social media and will be using these social media platforms to share the latest cyber scams and best practices in safeguarding your accounts and data.

If you are following me on any of these platforms, and feel this is noise or spam, please feel free to mute/block me 🙂

If you believe these cyber scams and best practices to counter these need to be amplified and shared with others, please spread the word.

For the nerds reading this, irrespective of how futile this attempt is, I am following OpSec practice by compartmentalizing each website in it’s own VM 🙂

Little Snitch Blocklists

What is Little Snitch?

Little Snitch is a network monitor & application firewall for the Mac OS. On 21st May 2024, with the release of Little Snitch 6.0, a notable Blocklists feature has been made available.

While the ability to add a custom blocklist existed in prior versions, it was a manual step. Little Snitch 6.0 changes that. Little Snitch 6.0 now provides a prepopulated list of blocklists for blocking Advertising, Malware, Tracking, Gambling etc.

Little Snitch Blocklists

Little Snitch Blocklists

Considering that the StevenBlack hosts file is one of the premier list for blocking adware, I was surprised not to find the StevenBlack blocklist in the list.

The other nice addition to the list is URLhaus. At the time of writing, there were 183 malicious domain names in the list.

And, the lists auto-update,

What is the advantage of blocking using Little Snitch over a browser extension like uBlock Origin?

I use both the methods. But the method of using Little Snitch is more powerful because it covers access to network connections (adware/malware etc) from any process in the Operating System and not just from those made from within the browser.

For example, Skype making a connecting to dns.google will be detected and can be blocked using Little Snitch.

Little Snitch detecting Skype connection to dns.google

It’s also important to note that this method of blocking network communication using an application firewall like Little Snitch might not scale if the blocklist is pretty large.

For example, the newly registered domain names dataset will most definitely cause the application to misbehave. In such cases, nothing beats having protection by using a DNS Firewall/DNS RPZ (Protective DNS).

Open Snitch for GNU/Linux

On similar lines to Little Snitch, Open Snitch is a GNU/Linux application firewall. Though I have to mention that I haven’t tried it yet.

Little Snitch can also be used to capture network traffic of a specific process.

Exploring Geopolitics, International Relations and Strategic Studies

A post here after a long time. I have been going down the rabbit hole and exploring Geopolitics, International Relations, and Strategic Studies.

I am stoked to share that I will be part of the Graduate Certificate in Public Policy(GCPP) Defence & Foreign Affairs cohort the Takshashila Institution offers to start tomorrow.

While I have been self-learning for some areas of interest, such as geopolitics, international relations and India’s foreign policy, I am looking forward to the course to gain a deeper understanding and networking with peers from various backgrounds in Indian armed forces, public policy Etc.

The classes will be held online on Saturday, requiring 4-5 hours in addition to the assignments and class work. It will be interesting to juggle my $dayjob and manage the class work and the deadlines, but as the saying goes, there is no gain without pain. 😀

One of the objectives for applying for the course was to understand the topics deeper and that geopolitics and international relations play an important role in dictating the flow of events in the cyber threat landscape.

Thanks to my good friend Karthik Bappanad for the encouragement.

CERT-In : Sensor for MSME networks for logs

If you are an MSME and are looking at complying to the CERT-In directives on logs, then, a sensor we’ve built for generating and storing logs of the entire network, might just be what you are looking for.

What do the CERT-In directives on logs state

All service providers, intermediaries, data centres, body corporate and
Government organisations shall mandatorily enable logs of all their ICT
systems and maintain them securely for a rolling period of 180 days and
the same shall be maintained within the Indian jurisdiction. These should
be provided to CERT-In along with reporting of any incident or when
ordered / directed by CERT-In.

Challenges faced in incident response environments (MSME) with no logs

The idea of building a sensor stemmed from our experiences of incident response in environments with zero security posture.

CERT-In sensor MSME logs

The same sensor can capture network packets and generate logs per the CERT-In directives.

At the btNOG-9 Conference on the 14th October 2022, I’ll be presenting Incident Response on a shoestring budget

In the presentation, I’ll share the challenges we faced in incident response environments with zero security posture, i.e. lacking logs, etc. The presentation will then focus on the solution – a sensor we built using open-source software such as Suricata and Zeek, logging DNS queries etc.

By deploying a sensor in the network, MSMEs can comply with the CERT-In directives and also facilitate incident responders to investigate security incidents.

Incident responders can leverage the rich logs by intercepting and ingesting packets into tools such as Zeek. If you are new to Zeek, check the blog post, Packets don’t lie – Threat Hunting with Zeek and the APNIC Academy page where a recording of the webinar will be available soon.

For a broader deep dive into why Network Security Monitoring is important in the context of incident response, check my presentation on Packets don’t lie – Network Security Monitoring (NSM) for the masses

Aside from the folks at BtCIRT, I am hoping there would be a bunch of other folks from a security background interested in incident response.

Packets don’t lie – Threat Hunting with Zeek

Earlier today, I presented a webinar on ‘Packets don’t lie – Threat Hunting with Zeek.

Thanks to the kind folks at APNIC for initiating the request and starting the email thread.

The gist of the presentation was about using Zeek to look for anomalies. Before jumping into Zeek, I introduced Network Security Monitoring. Spoke about conn.log and dns.log and used PCAPs from Stratosphere IPS Project to demonstrate threat hunting with Zeek.

Zeek logs are a great source in the context of threat hunting and Incident Response.

A total of 203 folks had registered for the webinar, and around 55-60 attended. That’s been my experience with online webinars and workshops – many folks will register, but a small fraction attend.

While one hour webinar is a brief period to talk about all-things-zeek, I hope the webinar gives a quick introduction to getting started.

But the most important thing was the interactive Q&A session at the end.

The webinar was recorded and should be available in a few days. I will update the blog post with a link to the recording and the slides.

Also, since I am on the topic of Zeek, ZeekWeek 2022 is an in-person event on October 12th – 14th in Austin, TX.

An excellent line-up of speakers, and the schedule is packed with goodness.

Little Snitch – Capturing traffic of a specific process

While investigating a bit of oddity with the Skype app on Mac OS X, I wanted to capture all traffic from only the Skype processes.

But first, a little background on the issue. All DNS traffic from my systems is routed through a WireGuard tunnel. The peer endpoint at the other end runs a recursive resolver with DNS Response Policy Zones (DNS RPZ).

The issue is – that as soon as the WireGuard tunnel is disabled, Skype will try connecting to Google DNS( and www.bing.com. Perhaps Skype bypasses the local recursive resolver set on the system and sends the DNS queries for its hosts to Google DNS directly? I cannot ascertain that yet, and it warrants a thorough investigation.

I was alerted to this by Little Snitch after I refreshed the rules. A ritual that I seem to follow every few months.

Little Snitch Network Monitor contains a hidden gem. The ability to capture traffic of a specific process.

For example, by right-clicking on any process, you should see the option to Capture Traffic. That should open a terminal window prompting for the sudo password.

After capturing traffic and interrupting should result in a PCAP on the Desktop. Neat!

Little Snitch documentation about this feature.

Shodan geoping and geodns – check ping & DNS resolution

Measuring ping and DNS from different vantage points using RIPE Atlas has been something that I have been using for some time now. You can read about installing a RIPE Atlas software probe here

A few weeks ago, I came across Shodan’s geoping and geodns API, which provides ping and DNS lookup from a few locations and other details such as RTT. This is great because you can quickly check ping and DNS resolution on systems where you only have curl running.

You always have the RIPE Atlas project for more detailed and sophisticated use-cases. To get started with the RIPE Atlas project, check the webinar I delivered some time ago for APNIC.

curl https://geonet.shodan.io/api/geoping/ | jq .
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 41.439,
    "avg_rtt": 41.539,
    "max_rtt": 41.689,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Singapore",
      "country": "SG",
      "latlon": "1.3215,103.6957"
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 229.823,
    "avg_rtt": 230.04,
    "max_rtt": 230.268,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Santa Clara",
      "country": "US",
      "latlon": "37.3924,-121.9623"
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 183.42,
    "avg_rtt": 183.567,
    "max_rtt": 183.683,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Frankfurt am Main",
      "country": "DE",
      "latlon": "50.1025,8.6299"
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 185.742,
    "avg_rtt": 185.865,
    "max_rtt": 185.993,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Amsterdam",
      "country": "NL",
      "latlon": "52.3740,4.8897"
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 267.025,
    "avg_rtt": 267.047,
    "max_rtt": 267.061,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Clifton",
      "country": "US",
      "latlon": "40.8344,-74.1377"
    "ip": "",
    "is_alive": true,
    "min_rtt": 261.196,
    "avg_rtt": 261.239,
    "max_rtt": 261.279,
    "rtts": [
    "packets_sent": 3,
    "packets_received": 3,
    "packet_loss": 0,
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "London",
      "country": "GB",
      "latlon": "51.5085,-0.1257"

The geodns API enables looking up DNS across multiple locations.

curl https://geonet.shodan.io/api/geodns/brainattic.in  | jq .
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Clifton",
      "country": "US",
      "latlon": "40.8344,-74.1377"
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Frankfurt am Main",
      "country": "DE",
      "latlon": "50.1025,8.6299"
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "London",
      "country": "GB",
      "latlon": "51.5085,-0.1257"
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Amsterdam",
      "country": "NL",
      "latlon": "52.3740,4.8897"
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Singapore",
      "country": "SG",
      "latlon": "1.3215,103.6957"
    "answers": [
        "type": "A",
        "value": ""
    "from_loc": {
      "city": "Santa Clara",
      "country": "US",
      "latlon": "37.3924,-121.9623"

The geodns command provides the output in shell format,

# geodns google.com                 London                 Frankfurt am Main                  Clifton                  Amsterdam                  Singapore                  Singapore                  Singapore                  Singapore                  Singapore                  Singapore

Similarly, the geoping command,

# geoping
Amsterdam (NL)                 0.863 ms       (min: 0.509 ms, max: 1.414 ms)
Clifton (US)                   1.985 ms       (min: 1.729 ms, max: 2.443 ms)
Frankfurt am Main (DE)         1.167 ms       (min: 0.754 ms, max: 1.979 ms)
London (GB)                    0.769 ms       (min: 0.527 ms, max: 1.229 ms)
Santa Clara (US)               2.273 ms       (min: 1.638 ms, max: 3.151 ms)
Singapore (SG)                  1.53 ms       (min:  1.13 ms, max: 2.204 ms)

The details about the geoping and geodns commands are available here

Further reading

The curious case of esic.in DNS

A couple of weeks ago, at my $dayjob, we implemented a recursive resolver with RPZ in an enterprise network.

After a few days, the customer got back to us with an issue – the DNS resolution of the domain esic.in failed with an NXDOMAIN response. After a cursory look at the problem, it became evident that esic.in resolved correctly but www.esic.in did not.

The customer also reported that if they switched the resolver to, the DNS resolution of www.esic.in was without any problems, and the website was accessible in the network.

So, what is causing the DNS issue with www.esic.in with the on-prem resolver?

Let’s find out. To start with the basics, here are the authoritative name servers of the domain esic.in,

$ whois esic.in | grep "Name Server:"
Name Server: ns-1089.awsdns-08.org
Name Server: ns-52.awsdns-06.com
Name Server: ns-1978.awsdns-55.co.uk
Name Server: ns-882.awsdns-46.net

If we traverse the DNS delegation from the root to esic.in, we get valuable insights,

.	518400	IN	NS	k.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	l.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	d.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	e.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	j.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	b.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	g.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	a.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	h.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	m.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	i.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	c.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	f.root-servers.net.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns1.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns2.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns3.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns4.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns5.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns6.registry.in.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-882.awsdns-46.net.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-1978.awsdns-55.co.uk.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-52.awsdns-06.com.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-1089.awsdns-08.org.
esic.in.	300	IN	A
esic.in.	300	IN	A
esic.in.	172800	IN	NS	ns-1089.awsdns-08.org.
esic.in.	172800	IN	NS	ns-1978.awsdns-55.co.uk.
esic.in.	172800	IN	NS	ns-52.awsdns-06.com.
esic.in.	172800	IN	NS	ns-882.awsdns-46.net.

And, here is the delegation trace from the root to www.esic.in,

.	518400	IN	NS	a.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	e.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	c.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	b.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	m.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	l.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	h.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	j.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	d.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	g.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	i.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	k.root-servers.net.
.	518400	IN	NS	f.root-servers.net.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns1.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns4.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns5.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns6.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns3.registry.in.
in.	172800	IN	NS	ns2.registry.in.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-882.awsdns-46.net.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-1089.awsdns-08.org.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-1978.awsdns-55.co.uk.
esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	ns-52.awsdns-06.com.
www.esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	lbr1.esic.in.
www.esic.in.	3600	IN	NS	lbr2.esic.in.
www.esic.in.	0	IN	A

If you compare the two outputs and look closely, the authoritative nameservers have delegated www.esic.in to the name servers lbr1.esic.in and lbr2.esic.in

And at the time of the issue, the nameservers lbr1.esic.in and lbr2.esic.in did not respond to Do53(UDP) resulting in an NXDOMAIN!

DNSViz also reported the non-responsive nameservers as well as OpenDNS cachecheck,

At the time of writing this blog post, the name servers lbr1.esic.in. and lbr2.esic.in. were responding and www.esic.in was resolving correctly. But for more than 24+ hours, they were unresponsive resulting in some random people on the Internet in India being unable to access the website.

APNIC 52 – Threat Hunting using DNS

I presented on how we at my $dayjob do Threat Hunting using DNS at APNIC 52.

This is the same presentation I gave at SANOG 37, but luckily, I had the full quota of 20 minutes to complete the presentation without rushing into it.

Here is the video of the presentation,

Happy hunting!